What to Expect

For your first visit, call us to set up an appointment and be sure to tells us the nature of the visit so we can ensure we reserve the right amount of time for your appointment.

  • Allow at least 1 to 1 ½ hours for the first visit.
  • When you arrive, please sign in under the appropriate doctor, the front desk personnel will help you.
  • If have not yet filled out the new patient forms, you will need to fill them out in our waiting room.
  • At that time, a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card will be obtained.
  • You will be escorted to a room for a consultation with the doctor.
  • When the doctor completes the history/consultation, the next step is to evaluate you with an examination and possible X-rays of the area.
  • An explanation of the findings and appropriate treatment will be implemented.
  • A report of findings and a treatment plan will be recommended for your case.

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